Interspecific hybridization events have played a major role in plant speciation,yet the evolutionary origin of hybrid sp......
Failed speciation via allopolyploidization in wheat might be due to unreconciled squabbles between p
Immediate effects of allopolyploidy on chromosomal stability and transcriptome dynamics, and their e
Bread or common wheat is human beings staple food with global importance.Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L., BBAADD, ......
Speciation of polyploid wheat represents a classic example of successful speciation via allopolyploidy, which contains t......
Speciation of polyploid wheat represents a classic example of successful speciation via allopolyploidy, which contains t......
Brassica juncea is an allopolyploid originating from the interspecific hybridization between Brassica rapa and Brassica ......
Rapid gene expression change in a novel synthesized aIIopolyploid population of cultivated peanut×Ar
Generality and characteristics of genetic and epigenetic changes in newly synthesized allotetraploid
Rapid gene expression change in a novel synthesized allopolyploid population of cultivated peanutxAr
异源在植物进化和杂种优势起了一个重要作用。最近的研究显示宽杂交的过程并且(或) polyploidization 可以导致快速、广泛基因并且......